The Benefits and Importance of Mobile CRM
2 min read
2 min read
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a software application for organizations and businesses that manages the interaction with current and future customers.
CRM software automates and integrates sales, marketing, and support functions within the organization. Therefore, CRM can be a standalone application or special module within a single enterprise resource planning system (or ERP).
In the age of hyper-connectivity, the use of mobile Internet has become more widespread. Now, we can access everything, all the time and that is a true competitive advantage for companies. The most common features and major benefits of mobile CRM solutions are improved sales force productivity, increased sales, greater communication and insight, faster access to sales material and much more.[1]
„Businesses witnessed a 10% increase in cash by using a CRM mobile app“, so Algo Works.
„Sales reps saw productivity increase by 26.4% upon adding mobile access to their CRM application”. This statements by Algo Works and Nucleus highlight the value of a mobile CRM.
Research by Innoppl Technologies showed that 65% of sales reps who have adopted mobile CRM have achieved their sales quotas. While only 22% of reps using non-mobile CRM have reached the same targets.[2]