Group Headquarters
Aryxe Group Holding OÜ, Roosikrantsi 2 , 10119 Tallinn, Estonia
Aryxe (Bulgaria) AD, 9, 6-ti Septemvri str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Aryxe (Poland) Sp. Z.o.o., Science and Technology Park, ul. Dobrzanskiego 3, 20-262 Lublin, Poland
Aryxe (Switzerland) GmbH, Baarerstrasse 21, 6302 Zug, Switzerland
Aryxe SRL, Doamna Ghica 83B, Sectorul 2, Bucharest, Romania
Responsible for the content
Aryxe Group Holding OÜ
Email: info AT aryxe DOT com
Managing Director: Stephan M. Muehlemann
All texts, graphics, videos, and diagrams on this website, unless otherwise stated, are the property of Aryxe Group and are protected by copyright. Copying, broadcasting, editing, or any other commercial or non-commercial use—including excerpts—is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from Aryxe Group. Some videos and images featured in the header section of this website are licensed from Adobe Corporation (Adobe Stock). Company names, trademarks, and logos of entities not affiliated with Aryxe Group, but referenced within the website’s content, are used solely for explanatory purposes. Aryxe Group does not imply any association with these companies.