8 min read

TikTok as a platform for popularizing the small-sized businesses

by Krisiana Kostadinova Have you ever wondered how to popularize your brand in a free and organic way?.....

10 min read

The global impact of COVID-19: How long is it going to last and what you can do to keep your hospitality business healthy?

The coronavirus (from the Latin word “corona”, meaning crown or halo) is a virus, that causes illnesses.....

6 min read

The Beauty Market Part 1: Development, Trends, and Forecasts

To be beautiful and natural is the birthright of every woman.            .....

4 min read

Ist das Ende der Influencer in Sicht?

Jedes Mal, wenn eine Marketing-Taktik an Bedeutung zunimmt und ihren Einfluss ausbaut, fragen sich Marketingspezialisten, ob sie nicht schon ihr Ziel erreicht hat und ein Ende dieser in Sicht kommt. In unserem Artikel vom 28.02.2919 haben wir schon auf die Veränderung im Influencer-Marketing hinsichtlich der wachsenden Bedeutung von  Mikro-Influencern hingewiesen. Nun wird dem Influencer Marketing generell der Tod für 2019 vorhergesagt, aber stimmt das?

3 min read

New (old) prospects for Instagram after resignation of co-founders?

Instagram co-founders Kevin Systom and Mike Krieger have resigned from the photo-sharing app more than a week ago. The move by the two entrepreneurs could be an important step in the history of Instagram and many have expressed their concern for the future of the app.

3 min read

“Grow”. The print venture of Facebook – is it worth it?

We are usually used to thinking of the largest social network as we know it today – Facebook, in terms of a digital platform where people get connected to their social circles and the businesses they are fond of. But in a recent move to reconnect with business leaders, Facebook has launched its first print publication, Facebook Grow, targeted at busy senior executives who usually do not spare their time to scroll through news feeds.

2 min read

The power of social media as a recruitment tool

The use of social media as a recruitment tool is widely spread among a number of industries, some of the most common ones being the creative industry. Almost every advertising and digital agency is using social media to attract new applicants for their positions. Nevertheless, numerous other industries are also actively seeking new talent on social networks, including the military.

9 min read

Brexit and what it means for British Small and Medium Business owners

Many mid-sized companies have either chosen to ignore upcoming Brexit or decided that there will be a “Soft Brexit” which would still enable the British economy to participate in the single market.

Not looking at the harsh reality as it starts to unfold in front of our very eyes is not only risky, for companies it means to possibly lose market share, deal with higher cost and added complexity as well as having to deal with a more bureaucratic process when doing business with the EU.
What possible options can British SMB’s evaluate?

1 min read

Today in the “Economist” …

Reading the “Economist” on the way from Warsaw to Munich. A very interesting article on the impact.....